Client: District Department of Transportation (DDOT)
Prime: HDR
Agency: PRR
Role: Lead Web Development, Website Optimization, CMS support
Technology: WordPress CMS, PHP7, JavaScript/jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, HTTPS Security, HTTP2
Project info: Developed the DCStreetcar website to educate and inform the public about the new Streetcar on H Street/Benning Road. The site was developed to meet various needs throughout the project, during planning, construction, and service operations. The website features several custom templates, MailChimp list signup, and custom NextBus API integration.
About the Project
DC Streetcar facilitates travel for District residents, workers and visitors by complementing existing transit options and by creating neighborhood connections where they previously did not exist. helps residents stay informed about the project, from current construction details to future planning studies. When streetcar service begins, the site will offer trip-planning tools, rider tips, and more.